E v P l e x u s


The EVPLEXUS Franchise Model emerges as the premier choice for electric vehicle charging infrastructures, delivering unmatched reliability and efficiency while ensuring financial viability.

Main benefits

Ownership of high-quality charging infrastructure sourced from EVPLEXUS.

Flexibility in choosing the ideal location for the charging points.

Hassle-free management by EVPLEXUS, enabling your organization to focus on core operations.

Autonomy in setting pricing plans tailored to your organization's strategy.

Direct assistance from EVPLEXUS in tapping into Federal and local funding opportunities.

Main features

Minimum of two DC fast charging points.

Fully funded by your organization and potential grants.

Transparent service fee structure provided by EVPLEXUS.

Comprehensive responsibility for electricity costs.

A commitment of a minimum term of 5 years, ensuring long-term collaboration.

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